And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

For your convenience, you have the option to give to the church and school online with credit card or bank draft.

Donations can be set up for one-time or recurring. Please contact the financial secretary or the church treasurer with any questions.

Online Giving

Supporting Our Missions

  • Endowment Fund

    The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to receive gifts and bequests and to use them to further the mission and ministry of St Paul Lutheran Church and School.

    Please contact the church office to speak with one of the endowment committee members for more details and information.

    You are encouraged to consult with your professional advisor or the LCMS District Office Gift Planning Counselor. He provides assistance to our members at no cost, helping to maximize gifts for loved ones and ministry while minimizing taxes. Contact Craig Stirtz at the District office at (402) 643-2961.

  • Orphan Grain Train

    Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 69 different countries including the USA.

    St. Paul supports this ministry in various ways. Please contact the church office to find out more or visit

  • Pastor Eddie Makasha

    We are committed to supporting the immigrant missionary work of Pastor Mekasha.

    Pastor Eddie Mekasha is a native of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He completed his college and seminary studies in Ethiopia majoring in theology and supplies management. Once in the United States, Pastor Eddie also earned a Masters of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in 2007 and has served as an ordained minister in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ever since.

    In August 2013, Eddie moved to Council Bluffs Iowa to be a Chaplain for Tyson Food, and has certifications in Clinical Pastoral Education, Mediation, and Addiction Counseling. In addition to his chaplaincy, Eddie has served the immigrant community in Omaha and the surrounding area.

  • Mission Central

    We are a team of volunteers and professionals working closely with LCMS International and National mission committed to:

    Helping YOU PERSONALLY support missionaries

    Assisting YOU PERSONALLY to volunteer with YOUR time and talents for the Lord’s work

    Reducing the overhead costs associated with YOUR personal gift

    Designating YOUR gift to a specific family or project in order that YOU have the absolute assurance your gift of love is going directly for its intended purpose